You are welcome to make Bombus localization to Your native languages!
You should edit language file located in Bombus.jar (for example Bombus.jar/lang/ru.txt )and change SECOND column to appropriate value. Line format:
english keyphrase[Tab]localized phrase[lf]
english keyphrase[Tab]localized phrase[crlf]
Altough langfiles is not senitive to lines order, it is discouraged to change lines order. When any new function will be added extra lines with lang data will be appended to the end of file
WARNING!!! You MUST use UTF-8 encoding if non-ASCII characters has been used in translation
Save changed file as <yourlang>.txt
To add Your new language file put it into Bombus.jar/lang. Also append to Bombus.jar/lang/res.txt new line like that:
/lang/<yourlang>.txt[Tab]<your language name>